Monday 16 December 2013

Dodgeball and Christmas

"If you're going to become true dodgeballers, then you've got to learn the five d's of dodgeball: dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge!"

Well, we learned this before our game - what we hadn't been prepared for was the pain that comes after dodgeball! 4 days after our match, the lift in our building is finally less frequented again, as the pain slowly gets better. The aching legs gave painful Christmas shopping a whole new meaning on the weekend for some of us! 

But enough of the apocalyptic scenario - we did actually have great fun playing Cobras versus Average Joe's! Here are our teams:


Average Joe's
Here you can see us in action, so that you know that the pain didn't come from nothing, but from full use of physical strength:

Calvin going for it

Fighting for balls

Dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge!

Good shall triumph - so the Average Joe's beat the Cobras 8 games to 10. We all ended the day together in a Shoreditch bar. It didn't get much less competitive, but in the end, we're all friends :)

Calvin and Pawel in their next competition

Merry Christmas!

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